"Yes. And that's how it feels." With this approach, accelent developed a broad-based awareness campaign for GSK to raise awareness of shingles among the Austrian population. After all, one in three people will contract this extremely painful neuritis in the course of their lives - and far too few people know about it. Classic adverts, advertorials, an extensive website, a Facebook page, a YouTube channel with testimonial videos, regular media work, direct marketing and campaigning elements have been attracting attention since 2021. An important ambassador is Martina Rupp, who was affected herself and now provides highly authentic information about the disease in around 20 podcast episodes with experts and sufferers. www.guertelrose-info.at Facebook / YouTube
Preparing complex financial topics for a broad target group is just one of the challenges of our work for the asset management giant Fidelity International. Directly integrated into the international PR team, we have to identify interesting topics, translate them from specific financial English into German and then offer them to domestic media. Our excellent contacts to the most important financial journalists make this challenge easier for us and lead to a steadily growing media presence for the client. We also manage the media relations for Hungary and the Czech Republic, are responsible for media planning and support the country manager with his LinkedIn profile.
With over 3,000 employees at its Vienna location, Boehringer Ingelheim is one of Austria's largest employers in the pharmaceutical industry. The variety of topics and challenges for communication is impressive: research, location, employer branding, expansion, investments fill the PR pipeline just as much as the approval of new drugs, events or company anniversaries. Whether external communication via classic and social media or internal PR via various channels such as an employee magazine ... we support the client intensively in all of this, both in strategic communication consulting as well as in the diverse operational implementation.
A retail concept especially for young customers. Communication in social media plays a pivotal role. accelent connects STOP SHOP with the tenants and the customers - using a uniqe Facebook presence that offers new highlights every day.
The COVID pandemic undeniably brought health into the spotlight, and for a brief period, the innovative pharmaceutical industry played a key role in crisis management. However, old stereotypes have since resurfaced, making it challenging to convey the value of innovative medicines for patients and society. For FOPI, we focus on consistent messaging and clear, memorable key facts communicated across multiple channels: stakeholder management, media relations, events, LinkedIn, podcasts, and blog posts. www.fopi.at
Cooking, kitchen, household appliances - hardly anything is currently as trendy as culinary delights. AEG is the world's second largest manufacturer of household appliances and stands for cooking as a lifestyle topic at the highest level. The communication cosmos that accelent has been successfully creating for AEG for many years is correspondingly sophisticated and extensive: modern product PR includes media relations, events and innovative solutions such as Facebook livestreams.
Full waiting rooms? Little time? And still have a medical concern? Then the pharmacies of the Österreichische Gesellschaft vom Goldenen Kreuze are the answer with comprehensive additional services including telemedicine. With this initiative, the Österreichische Gesellschaft vom Goldenen Kreuze offers low-threshold healthcare and at the same time raises awareness of prevention issues. Campaign weeks, special services such as the Health Mobil and appearances in public spaces make the move towards people. accelent provides the communicative framework with media work, advertorials, postings and ads on Facebook, Google Ads, brochures and posters as well as a website. https://gesundheitsnetz-goldeneskreuz.at/
The political decision for the photo on the e-card had far-reaching consequences - and implicated that about 15% of all insured persons had to take action. But the other 85% had to be told to wait and see. And for smaller groups there were other messages to communicate at the same time. accelent developed a detailed communication concept including slogan, messaging and implementation of all documents. For the whole of Austria.
There is hardly any topic which is not covered by a podcast yet, and the range of offerings is constantly growing. However, there are less podcasts in the health sector than one would expect. The Austrian Society of the Golden Cross (ÖGGK) has therefore launched the podcast HÖRENSWERT – in line with the programme of the traditional company – covers a wide variety of topics. Recognized experts discuss such diverse matters as the intestine as a bulwark of the immune system, mental health or the effects of too little or too much exercise. accelent was responsible for the concept, content creation, artwork and realisation. HÖRENSWERT on Spotify
A leading global payment service provider. With strong roots in Vienna. accelent managed the PR, from Austria at times across Europe. And turned Paysafe's solutions and brands into media topics. With merchants and opinion leaders. With journalists and partners. With interest groups and other stakeholders.
When MasterCard invited to the MC Talk for the first time in 2008, accelent, as the inventor of the format itself, did not yet know that it would become a fixed point in the calendar of the domestic financial sector. An opening party for the Vienna office turned into a series of events that always brought together the entire scene under MasterCard's patronage on one evening in the fourth quarter.
For some years now, personalized medicine has been one of the major topics in healthcare. Big data and new possibilities in bioinformatics are currently giving it an additional boost. As a pioneer in personalised medicine, Roche Austria, supported by accelent, launched the "Medicine for me" initiative, which promotes dialogue between experts in individual fields, patients and their relatives, and decision-makers from the healthcare sector.
For the target group of the Österreichischen Gesellschaft vom Goldenen Kreuze, a printed magazine remains the medium of choice. This is why the ÖGGK has been publishing the magazine LEBENSWERT four times a year for several years now, putting various topics on the agenda. In a journalistic format, awareness-raising on relevant health issues is interwoven with information from the ÖGGK. In this way, the organization fulfils its non-profit mission of ‘health literacy’ and manages to convey unwieldy topics in an entertaining way. https://www.oeggk.at/magazin-lebenswert/
One in three people will contract the extremely painful shingles in the course of their lives - and yet many do not feel affected. In order to authentically convey the experiences and raise awareness, accelent has produced videos with testimonials as part of the shingles awareness campaign. With people ‘from the street’, but also with celebrities such as Martina Rupp, Herbert Prohaska and Olivia Silhavy. https://guertelrose-info.at/gurtelrose-erfahrungsberichte/
Novartis Austria is one of the world's leading research-based pharmaceutical companies and, with production in Austria, is also on the health policy agenda. In keeping with this, corporate communications are very selective and equally high-ranking. Only a few appearances are realised each year, but they are for real milestones in the company's history. For example, with the Federal Chancellor and Minister of Economic Affairs for ‘Invest in Austria’, with the Tyrolean state representatives for the opening of new production or research facilities. All messages that accelent plays a key role in shaping are always coordinated with the global corporate strategy and communication. https://www.novartis.com/at-de/
This is a success story par excellence, and we had the privilege of contributing to it in Austria. When accelent was entrusted with media relations in 2017, there were only a handful of Action stores in Austria. By 2024, more than 100 are available to Austrians. Accompanying this expansion from a PR perspective continues to be both a pleasure and a challenge. As the company has grown, so too has the range of topics and public interest. PR work for Action is entering a new phase, and we are well-prepared for it. www.action.com/de-at
Vaccinations are considered the basis of healthcare. Nevertheless, numerous vaccinations for adults in particular are not covered by health insurance, even if they are expressly recommended in the Austrian immunisation schedule - including the vaccination against shingles. Many experts, stakeholders and politicians are in favour of changing this regulation and thus promoting prevention. accelent is providing a platform for these efforts with the ‘Vaccination for all’ campaign and has designed arguments, a website, media appearances, stakeholder contacts and videos, social media campaigns and publications. The decision on the part of politicians is still pending. www.impfenfueralle.at Photos Fiedler/Rosenflyer/Hajek
The pioneer and market leader in shared e-scooter mobility. Shared economy meets urban mobility. A sustainable mobility concept with fun and lifestyle aspects. And an unmissable presence in the urban landscape. accelent is in charge of active and reactive media work, cooperations as well as speaking and event opportunities. Thus the market leader remains at the top and implments thought leadership in an industry of the future.
accelent coordinates the entire Alliance and its activities to communicate the main concern of the Austrian Obesity Alliance to the public which is to convey a contemporary image of the disease adipositas in Austria. Our engagement includes general association management, the PR strategy, the implementation of activities and the creation of appropriate messaging and wording. We also offer ongoing support in all communication-related matters.
Under the leadership of the Austrian Society for Haematology & Medical Oncology (OeGHO) and driven by its president Prof. Dr. Hellmut Samonigg, accelent designed and implemented a comprehensive information and awareness campaign for the protection of non-smokers. The decisive factor here was that, even or especially with low budgetary resources, meticulous strategic planning and a high degree of professionalism in implementation were indispensable. In July 2015, the Austrian parliament adopted a comprehensive package for the protection of non-smokers. In 2018, we were also co-responsible for the Non-Smoker Protection Referendum of the Vienna Medical Association and the Austrian Cancer Organisation, which was the most successful non-partisan referendum in the history of Austria with almost 900,000 signatures.
Based on the Novartis claim "We are reimagining medicine", Novartis Austria 2021 launched its presence on the business social media platform LinkedIn. The positioning of the international pharmaceutical company - deeply rooted in Austria - was to be presented in a tangible and comprehensible way. accelent created postings, animated images, designed infographics and, last but not least, ensured a great performance of the page with active community management. And this despite all the pharmacovigilance requirements and drug law restrictions. https://www.linkedin.com/company/novartis-oesterreich/
RSV, the respiratory syncytial virus, was completely unknown in Austria for a long time because there were no tests and many people contracted it without realizing. In Europe, 3 million people fall ill and 20,000 deaths are recorded every year. However, the authorization of a vaccination for the particularly vulnerable target group of adults over 60 made raising disease awareness sensible. A broad-based campaign with a website, Facebook page, explanatory video, media work, adverts & advertorials, information material and even training videos for doctors succeeded in increasing public knowledge about RSV. www.rsv-schutz.at
The field of medical technology, as practiced by Siemens Healthineers, is an exciting area that spans health policy, innovation, sustainability, artificial intelligence, and patient benefits. The challenge for PR is not a lack of topics, but rather the selection and preparation of the identified topics. How do I make a technological innovation relevant to media and people? How does it change the lives of patients or the work of doctors? And what systemic aspects need to be considered? Developing the answers is our true achievement, finally our excellent media contacts lead us to shared success. www.siemens-healthineers.com
"Who will take care of us?” This is just one of the many questions that children of cancer patients have. A cancer diagnosis is a shock for patients and associated with fears and uncertainties. In order to convey difficult topics in an emotional way, accelent developed webcasts for GSK Oncology and the Österreichische Krebshilfe as a new format for those affected. Interviews with patients and experts were filmed under the title "Ich & Krebs" and made available as videos on the partners' platforms. They provide well-founded answers to the most urgent questions and practical tips as well as further information, contact addresses and sources. www.ichundkrebs.at Video on cancer & vaccination